Tackling diesel engine emissions

The Van ’t Hek Group is a specialist in foundation engineering, offering unconventional, creative and economically advantageous solutions in the field of foundations, cofferdams and earthworks. The foundation industry is in the midst of the transition to emission-free operations, but this is a major challenge. Much of the foundation equipment used is difficult to electrify due to the high power demand, and charging infrastructure is not always available. Also, the machines are very specialised and capital-intensive, so they often remain in use for a long time. As a result, many machines with diesel engines with high emissions are still in use within the sector. Diesel engine emissions are very harmful to human health and the environment, which is why it is important to systematically reduce these emissions.

Summit Engineering prepared a plan of action for the Van ‘t Hek Group to reduce diesel engine emission (DME) within the organisation as far as possible. The plan of approach provides concrete tools to get started with DME. It includes the legal frameworks, policy, objectives and strategy, a roadmap with measures and useful tools to track progress and make adjustments where necessary. The action plan provides insight into the current status within the Van ‘t Hek Group regarding DME, including the measures already taken to reduce emissions and what foundation equipment is in use. In addition, the action plan shows where the Van ‘t Hek Group is working towards with concrete targets, policies and a roadmap to achieve the objectives. It also focuses on how progress will be monitored and how Van ‘t Hek Group will keep abreast of the latest DME insights and requirements. In this way, the Van ‘t Hek Group can systematically and demonstrably reduce DME exposure in order to create a healthy working environment for its employees and to meet legislative and regulatory requirements.


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