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Our services: The 4 is

At Summit Engineering we work with the 4 is: insight, ideas, integration and implementation. Every i is a phase on the way to reduce your CO₂ emissions. Summit Engineering offers tailor-made programmes for the entire process and for individual phases. In addition to in house knowledge and experience, we have a wide network that we call on if necessary – ensuring an optimal result.

Phase 1: Insights

What do you want to achieve? Every process starts with an inventory of your needs. This is the starting point to jointly work towards the desired solution. This process follows a number of fixed steps:

We provide insights into the consumption of electricity, gas, diesel or other energy carriers in the various (production) processes;

It goes without saying that we take (international) laws and regulations into account. Take the European Energy legislation (EED/RED2) for instance. The ISO 50001 – which deals with energy management – is a suitable instrument for this. ISO 50001 can be found in all four phases. Summit Engineering can supervise the implementation and certification to this end.

Phase 2: Ideas

After giving insight, ideas arise. Ideas just don’t always arise by themselves. We can help you with that in the following way:

We outline the options for reducing energy consumption or introducing CO₂-neutral energy carriers (for example hydrogen). We translate these ideas into concrete actions;

We then rank these actions and draw up a plan of action: how can the actions be implemented?

Phase 3: Integration

Making sustainable energy profitable is a challenge. This is mainly because the current energy supply – where we largely rely on fossil fuels – is still relatively cheap. Summit Engineering can support you in working towards a business case that is acceptable, for example, by:

Mapping possibilities for subsidies

Linking power generation with storage by converting electricity into another energy form such as hydrogen;

Convert electricity into hydrogen in combination with fermentation;

Relieve the existing electricity grid by linking sustainable generation to hydrogen and mobility;

Linking electricity to the gas network: Power to Gas.

Phase 4: Implementation

Perhaps you’ve already completed the previous steps yourself, perhaps with the help of us. Whatever your situation is, Summit Engineering can help you realize the selected measures to reduce your CO₂ emissions. Many hurdles have to be overcome in this part of the process, both internally and externally. We can support you by:

Organizing sessions to increase the intrinsic motivation and insight of staff;

Conducting a risk assessment where we look at the consequences. This will of course result in stating related mitigation actions;

Seeking subsidy programmes that you can use to strengthen your business case;

Provide project management (support) that fits the measures.

All trajectories can be tailored to your situation. To this end, we gladly make use of our knowledge and experience and our network. This way we work together to achieve an optimal result.