Hynetwork Services
Hynetwork Services (formerly Gasunie Waterstof Services) is the operator of the hydrogen transport pipeline in Zeeuws-Vlaanderen. This pipeline connects DOW Benelux in Terneuzen with Yara in Sluiskil. DOW’s production process releases hydrogen as a by-product. This can be used by Yara as a raw material. A former Gasunie natural gas transport pipeline has been commissioned for this purpose. This has been specially adapted to transport hydrogen.
This reuse of existing natural gas infrastructure is exceptional. A very good example of what is possible when companies and governments work together. Not only does it save energy, it also reduces CO₂ emissions. In addition, valuable experience has been gained in transporting hydrogen through natural gas pipelines. Perhaps this project is the stepping stone to large-scale hydrogen transport through the Netherlands!
As technical manager, Arjan was closely involved in this project. He tells more about it in this film!
Want to know more about this project? Then contact:

Arjan Hartemink
+31 (0)6 11 00 56 89